Christian's Handbook 1

Handbook 1 is a collection of Christian articles containing spiritual wisdom and knowledge derived from Christians' personal experiences in living daily for God.

He That Is in Me Is Greater

Handbook 1: Article 81 - Just Between Us

On my trip to California last February I had a mountain top experience. It began at dusk when I crossed the Nevada state-line from Utah. I stopped in the town of Wendover, thinking I would stay the night. However, my spirit grew disquieted within me and I felt pressure to move on.

As darkness moved in I was approaching the 7,000 foot summit that lay between Wendover and Wells, Nevada. Suddenly fog encompassed the car making visibility about ten feet. Then it began to snow heavily and I couldn't see a thing -- not the middle line on the road, the reflectors on the side, or road signs. I would have parked if I had dared but I didn't know where the shoulder of the road was and I could picture my two children and myself plunging over a mountain cliff.

"Make the snow stop, God", I cried. "Help us." Panic rose within me. "Why didn't you let us stop in Wendover? We would be snug and safe right now." One fact was crystal clear -- God had brought me to this time and place for it was His Spirit that compelled me to move on.

Inch by inch I moved the car forward expecting a miracle, expecting God to change the weather for me. But the snow didn't stop. The fog didn't lift. By now I was visibly shaking. In the utter blackness I moved on into the unknown. I could feel the powers of darkness all around me, oppressing me. Spiritually I had experienced this before, but never physically.

Well, you all know that I lived through that dark night or I wouldn't be writing to you now. But for several months I couldn't bear to think of it. I couldn't face its implications. I didn't want to know what it meant -- why God had allowed, even led me into Satan's clutches.

Then two weeks ago as I stood on my doorstep, safe and warm in the California sunshine, looking east to the outline of the Sierra Nevada Mountains I was finally able to look beyond then, in my mind's eye, into Nevada and picture again that dark night. Simultaneously I could look in the future and see other dark mountain tops before me when the powers of darkness will again surround me. But now I know by experience that He that is in me is greater than Satan who is in this world. And nothing, not even the mighty powers of darkness can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Praise His holy name!


"Those who cannot control their words cannot control themselves."

Watchman Nee

"The greatest conversion of all is from lukewarm to hot and this conversion usually takes place during the creative years of middle age."

Ruel Howe

"Look into the history of every great work God has raised up and you will find a man who was not afraid to risk everything to fulfill His call."

David Wilkerson

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  1. Fantasy
  2. Jesus Was a Man
  3. The Mind of Christ
  4. Our Emotions
  5. Expectations
  6. Self-Control
  7. Feelings
  8. Fear
  9. He That Is in Me Is Greater

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